
Santosh Patel

Santosh has a broad background of over 25 years within the technology and software industries. He was a co-founder of Simple2Track in 2009. He is also the founder and currently on the Board of Directors of Sansun Technologies and Skyview Communications who are both in the advanced technology and communications industries. He has also held senior executive positions and was a Board member with the Hagemeyer Group with revenue of $450 + million and with Yorx Electronics with revenue of $250 million.

Santosh has been responsible for Product Development, Engineering and Marketing and over the years he has won many CES Innovations Design and Engineering Awards. He is an experienced speaker and has been the subject of numerous interviews with the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Time, Fortune, IDC, Twice and the Associated Press.

He is responsible for providing strategic direction and advanced technology and software application to product and software development for Simple2Track.

Santosh holds B.A Degree in Electronics, has been married for 24 years and has a daughter attending St Louis University today. While he lives in St Louis, he is a global traveler and works out of offices there, India and Hong Kong.

Anish Patel

Anish is also a co-founder of Simple2Track and has a background within the Wireless, Internet and Hospitality industries. He was also the co-founder of Active Networks 10 years ago. They are an IT provider to the Hospitality industry providing services to over 20,000+ rooms today across North America. He brings broad experience to us in the areas of IT Technology, Quality Assurance, Finance, Process Management and Customer Service Operations. In addition to his experience, Anish has long lasting relationships within the Hospitality industry providing him with in-depth experience in Property Technology and Business requirements.

Anish is responsible for managing Simple2Track Corporate Operations and Customer Service as well as IT support teams for Senior Living Communities.

Anish graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a BA in Finance and lives in Harrisburg, PA.

Jim Mulvehill
Vice President - Sales

Jim has a broad background of over 30 years within the consumer electronics industry. He has held senior sales, marketing and operations positions with Go Video, Alaron and RCA and is the founder of the JTM Group, a consumer electronics industry consulting firm. He is responsible for the development and growth of all sales channels and establishment of the nationwide sales team for Simple2Track.

Jim graduated from Michigan State University with an MBA in Marketing. He has been married 45 years and lives with his wife in New Jersey near their 2 daughters and 2 grandson’s.

Kelly Peterson
Vice President - Marketing

Kelly has a broad background in marketing, product development and operations over a period of 20 years. He served as VP of Operations for Auvi Electronics and Marketing Manager at GPX Inc and Bantam Interactive. He brings broad experience in Operations management, Marketing, PR, Advertising and Trade Shows

Kelly graduated from St Louis University with an MBA in Marketing.