Product Highlights for Care Communities

Simple2Track device’s are small, dependable and powerful…
Our device’s are smaller than a business card to enable them to be securely carried on a belt clip, arm band or around the neck on a lanyard. They are designed to provide dependable long term performance. Both have a Help button that can be easily programmed to send a SMS help message to 2 separate phone numbers plus an e-mail alert when help is needed. You can have SMS messages and the emergency e-mail alert sent to family members or care givers. It’s your choice and it’s easy to use.

Model PT 100 Model PT 200

Dual protection with both GPS and Cellular technology…
New, advanced GPS technology allows you to monitor the precise location of loved ones in real time. Our device’s update GPS positions every 10 minutes or quicker as you require, and is usually accurate to within 30 feet. We combine GPS with Cellular technology, using a dependable nationwide cellular network, to supply you with precise location information for your peace of mind.

We use the AT&T Cellular network plus GPS for constant location and communication capability nationwide. You do not pay AT&T. That capability is included in your monthly service fee to Simple2Track.

Care Communities can monitor the location of residents in real time…
Unlike other devices, the Simple2Track system can track the location of residents in real-time so you always know where they are. It’s not necessary to call another service ask for a location and then wait to have them look it up, it’s always directly available to you, at any time, with Simple2Track. Since our device’s use both GPS and Cellular technology, locations are always available. No need to call a dispatcher and wait for an answer.

Now with real-time information, it’s possible to take action, if necessary, before problems arise. No need to wait for an SOS message The system provides you with the confidence knowing that you are never out of touch and can monitor residents with a PC, iPhone, iPad or Smart Phone, no matter where you or your staff are located. Our GPS and Cellular system ensures that you are always connected with the Simple2Track system, increasing efficiency.

Geo Fencing gives you peace of mind…and avoids surprises…
You can assign unique and safe geographic boundaries for each resident with Geo Fencing. The device will automatically send a message with their exact address when they move outside the boundary you created. This automatically keeps you informed on the movement of residents outside safety zones you create and allows you to be proactive to take action as necessary to insure their safety. It’s easy and completely flexible.

Simple2Track works on your PC, iPad or iPhone …
Location information from the tracking device can be viewed on your Windows or MAC based PC. The device comes with special tracking software that can be easily installed. The software will allow you to monitor the real time location of residents at any time in a Google map format. You will be shown their current actual address and coordinates. You can also create Geo Fencing, monitor the device battery status, and view a history of the resident’s movement history

Information from the tracking device can also be viewed from your iPhone, iPad, Smart Phone or mobile phone. You can monitor a residents current location at any time no matter where you are. Android compatibility is coming soon.

HELP at the touch of a button…
When the user presses the HELP button on the device, it automatically sends an SMS message with the current location to 2 numbers programmed into the system. It also sends an emergency e-mail message to an address that you also programmed into the system. Plus the HELP message notification is also sent to the tracking software on your PC. And the Device goes into a Voice Monitor mode to enable you hear what is happening with the resident. Since the device is always sending its current address, help can be sent quickly without and confusion.

24 / 7 Customer Service is available…
Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions.

How much does it cost….
Contact us to discuss a program to meet your needs. A program may include devices, Tracking Sofware module, a complete Software Suite, or integration into your existing software.

Contact us at – We can get further information to you or arrange to meet to give you a demonstration.